'Formula One World Championship 2014' and 'f1grandprixreview.blogspot.com /.co.uk' is not affiliated with anyone or anything else related to F1, the FIA, Formula One, Formula One Teams, Formula One drivers or any other associates related to Formula One governing bodies or their Partners.
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Everything you see at 'Formula One World Championship 2014' and 'f1grandprixreview.blogspot.com / .co.uk' is of my opinion only and is not influenced by any one individual. Everything commented on, be it drivers, teams, Grand Prix events or anything of that matter related to Formula 1, is of my thoughts alone and has not be endorsed by anyone. I hold no responsibility to third party sites promoted on these blogs and web pages and the contents they hold. My blogs and website pages hold no responsibility to any person or persons in relation to anything and everything you see, related to F1 and anything of that kind. There is no consequence of anything included, or not included, by myself to show a representation of this sport and its affiliates. There is no person(s) what so ever connected to or involved in 'Formula One World Championship 2014' and 'f1grandprixreview.blogspot.com / .co.uk and there are no endorsements that may influence my decisions and views. I hold no liability of any kind for anything you see.
Stats contained within this site, are researched from official websites and are their for information purposes only. Comments, stats and facts must not be relied on to show a true image, outcome, result or anything else of that kind related to Formula one and its affiliates.
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